The Blunt End - Sep 2019

September 2019

Our second ship familiarisation course of 2019 took place in Liverpool with participants attending from various Marine Insurance companies and law firms. Feedback from the course was again extremely positive.


"I found the course to be extremely informative and useful"

"In terms of feedback, I only have positive comments. I thought the course was insightful and varied and I have come away having learnt a is obvious that a lot of effort goes into the course and I would definitely recommend it to future employees"

"I thought the course was a very valuable and enjoyable experience, a perfect chance to ask questions and to clarify concepts in practice"

"Thank you...for making the course such a success"


As always, we continue to enjoy hosting this popular course and always welcome feedback from our attendees, as such the course is continuouslly updatedt to ensure the content remains relevant to all those who join and our thanks go to those who assist in faciliating our visits.

If you are interested in attending our next Taylor Marine ship familarisation course in May 2020 then please contact Erika Eaton at or Linda Taylor at to reserve your place (all places are strictly limited and therefore subject to availability).