Record Towage

January 2019

On 13th September 2018, container vessel "AS FORTUNA" ran aground off Guayaquil whilst en-route to Callao.  Master Mariner Jan Fuisting from our Taylor Marine Hamburg office initially attended at the grounding location on behalf of Salvors and subsequently for Average Adjusters on behalf of the general average community.

Following the successful re-floating of the vessel, the decision was made by owners to carry out repair works in China, subject to Class approval.  With the heavy involvement of our Naval Architect Helge Rathje the transpacific towage of the damaged container vessel was approved by Class DNV GL, and commenced on 3rd December 2018 from Balboa, Panama, with the vessel arriving at Zhoushan, China on 14th January 2019.

The total distance covered by "AS FORTUNA" amounted to 9,160 nm and represents the longest towage of a damaged vessel through open water that DNV GL have been involved with UserFiles/AS FORTUNA- 2019-01-25(1).pdf.

Our Marine Engineer Tony Saleh is currently scheduled to attend at the shipyard in China on behalf of GA in order to assess the extent of grounding damages sustained to the ship's hull and to monitor the continued repair works.